Iran President on Gaza–Action needed, not words.


Iran President Ebrahim Raisi emphasized the need for action rather than talk in resolving the conflict in Gaza as he traveled to Saudi Arabia for a summit.

Iran President Ebrahim Raisi

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday that the time had come for action over the conflict in Gaza rather than talk as he headed to Saudi Arabia to attend a summit on the war between Israel and Hamas militants.

“Gaza is not an arena for words. It should be for action,”

Raisi said at Tehran airport before departing for the summit of Arab and Islamic nations in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh. He also said “Today, the unity of the Islamic countries is very important

iran president

It is the first visit to Saudi Arabia by an Iranian head of state since Tehran and Riyadh ended years of hostility under a China-brokered deal in March.

“The summit will send a strong message to warmongers in the region and result in the cessation of war crimes in Palestine,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, who is accompanying Raisi, was quoted as saying by the Padolat government website.

Also, Read Israel Gaza War

“America says it doesn’t want an expansion of the war and has sent messages to Iran and several countries [to this effect]. But these statements are not consistent with America’s actions,” Raisi said in the televised comments at Tehran airport.

Raisi said, “The war machine in Gaza is in the hands of America, which is preventing a ceasefire in Gaza and expanding the war. The world must see the true face of America.

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