
Motivational speaker Vivek Bindra, who got married earlier this month, for allegedly assaulting his wife. The case was registered on December 14 at the Sector 126 police station.

What are the allegations against Vivek Bindra?

The complainant Vaibhav Kwatra, a resident of Ghaziabad, said his sister married Vivek Bindra on December 6 at The Lalit Mangar Hotel. “On December 7, Vivek indulged in an argument with his mother following which my sister Yanika interfered. Vivek took her inside the room, locked the door, and abused her. He beat her, because of which she has wounds all over his body and cannot even hear properly. He pulled her hair, she was also feeling dizzy due to the head wound.

Kwatra added that his sister “is being treated at Kailash Deepak Hospital in Karkardooma, Delhi. He further alleged that Bindra broke his sister’s phone. Several videos and other records have been submitted to the police in which the accused can be seen misbehaving with his sister

vivek bindra

An FIR has been registered at Sector 126 police station under sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 325 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 427 (mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees), and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) of the Indian Penal Code.

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Vivek Bindra’s Second Marriage

Vivek Bindra got married at the age of 41. This is his 2nd marriage. A video is also going viral on social media, claiming that the woman seen in it is the wife of Vivek Bindra. She is showing her injury in the video. Recently, there was a dispute between Bindra and another motivational speaker Sandeep Maheshwari. Maheshwari had accused Bindra of scamming.

Voluntarily causing hurt

“Voluntarily causing hurt” is a legal term that typically refers to a criminal offense where an individual intentionally inflicts physical pain or injury on another person. It is a form of assault and is covered under various criminal codes in different jurisdictions. The severity of the offense and the potential penalties depend on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the incident.

In legal terms, for an act to be considered “voluntarily causing hurt,” the following elements are generally required:

  1. Intention: The perpetrator must have had the intention to cause harm or injury to another person.
  2. Action: There must be a specific act or series of acts that directly result in physical pain, injury, or harm to the victim.
  3. Causation: The actions of the perpetrator must be the direct cause of the harm suffered by the victim.

Penalties for voluntarily causing hurt vary depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the injuries inflicted. Legal systems often classify offenses related to causing hurt into different categories, such as simple assault or aggravated assault, with corresponding penalties.

Mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees

“Mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees” generally refers to a specific offense related to causing damage or destruction that is quantified by a monetary value of fifty rupees. This offense is often addressed in criminal codes, and the threshold of the damage amount may vary in different jurisdictions.

The key elements of this offense typically include:

  1. Mischief: The intentional commission of an act that causes damage or harm to someone else’s property.
  2. Damage to the Amount of Fifty Rupees: The damage caused by the mischief must be assessed and quantified, and it should meet or exceed the specified threshold of fifty rupees.

Penalties for such an offense may involve fines or other legal consequences. The specific penalties and legal provisions can vary based on the jurisdiction and the applicable legal system.

Intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of peace

“Intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of peace” refers to a specific type of offense that involves deliberately insulting someone to cause a disturbance or a breach of the peace. This offense typically falls under the broader category of offenses related to public order and may be addressed in criminal codes or statutes.

Key elements of this offense generally include:

  1. Intentional Insult: The act of intentionally insulting or offending another person.
  2. Intent to Provoke Breach of Peace: The primary purpose of the insult is to incite or provoke a violent reaction or disturbance in public order.

Penalties for intentional insult with the intent to provoke a breach of peace may include fines, imprisonment, or both, depending on the severity of the offense and the laws of the specific jurisdiction.

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